While the guys are working on the generator and the kids are settled for the moment, I think I'll take advantage of the 'down time' and give you another little update....
Last Friday was a great day! We celebrated my favorite guy's birthday!!!
Last Friday was a great day! We celebrated my favorite guy's birthday!!!
We went to Cap Haitien to eat lunch...
... and then we did a little shopping... not for John but with John. For his birthday he wanted to buy a water chateau for the orphanage so that's exactly what we did! :)
The orphans had no idea but after we got home they helped unload it and John told them it was for them!!!
They were so excited, they could hardly wait to get to the river to wash it before having it installed.
And of course, we all went with them...
Julsen volunteered to be the one to wash the inside!
This next photo is by far my favorite picture from Friday!
I love it (not because the quality is great) but because of the composition. That's my man (with our girls on the left and a cute little pant-less friend on the right) while the boys in front are carrying their new water chateau home...and the best part is the visibility of my Father shining down on them all! You see that Light at the top right corner??...the one that covers most of the photo... that's Him... He's everywhere we are and His love surrounds us no matter where we go! I am so proud of John for sharing that love Friday (and so many other countless days). Oh God, may we never forget why we are here!
Here is a photo of the chateau and tubing after installation... Although the city water isn't pure, this will give them a water supply at home (like we have) and allow them to bathe at the orphanage instead of having to go to the river each time. John was also able to run a line to their kitchen and to their bathing area and they even have a brand new shower head now, too! I'm so proud of him and honored to be on his team!!!
While I am singing praises, let me tell you how grateful we are for all of you who support our ministry and our mission here in Haiti, both financially and through prayer! It is because of your generosity that we are able to share our hearts with so many here!!! God bless you and we thank you so much for working with us!
"The best that God's people have to offer is ourselves. Only when we put ourselves in direct, personal relationship with the people of God in the hard places do we begin to understand their needs and accompany them in the pilgrimage of faith... It is no longer the rich stepping down to help the poor, but brothers and sisters in Christ stepping across to journey with one another."
~Daniel Rickett