Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Working Together

While the guys are working on the generator and the kids are settled for the moment, I think I'll take advantage of the 'down time' and give you another little update....

Last Friday was a great day!  We celebrated my favorite guy's birthday!!! 

We went to Cap Haitien to eat lunch...

... and then we did a little shopping...  not for John but with John.  For his birthday he wanted to buy a water chateau for the orphanage so that's exactly what we did!  :)  

The orphans had no idea but after we got home they helped unload it and John told them it was for them!!!

They were so excited, they could hardly wait to get to the river to wash it before having it installed.  

And of course, we all went with them...

Julsen volunteered to be the one to wash the inside!


 Once they were sure it was clean, they were off...

This next photo is by far my favorite picture from Friday!  

I love it (not because the quality is great) but because of the composition.  That's my man (with our girls on the left and a cute little pant-less friend on the right) while the boys in front are carrying their new water chateau home...and the best part is the visibility of my Father shining down on them all!  You see that Light at the top right corner??...the one that covers most of the photo...  that's Him...  He's everywhere we are and His love surrounds us no matter where we go!  I am so proud of John for sharing that love Friday (and so many other countless days).  Oh God, may we never forget why we are here!

Here is a photo of the chateau and tubing after installation...  Although the city water isn't pure, this will give them a water supply at home (like we have) and allow them to bathe at the orphanage instead of having to go to the river each time.  John was also able to run a line to their kitchen and to their bathing area and they even have a brand new shower head now, too!  I'm so proud of him and honored to be on his team!!!

While I am singing praises, let me tell you how grateful we are for all of you who support our ministry and our mission here in Haiti, both financially and through prayer!  It is because of your generosity that we are able to share our hearts with so many here!!!  God bless you and we thank you so much for working with us!

"The best that God's people have to offer is ourselves.  Only when we put ourselves in direct, personal relationship with the people of God in the hard places do we begin to understand their needs and accompany them in the pilgrimage of faith... It is no longer the rich stepping down to help the poor, but brothers and sisters in Christ stepping across to journey with one another."
~Daniel Rickett

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Entertaining Angels

To all of you who saw Mom's post on Facebook and have responded and sent messages to us, thank you so much for all the prayers you have offered up on our behalf the last several days!
I go up and down these stairs at least 15 times a day but Saturday I didn't do it so gracefully...

I wasn't going that fast but with coffee in hand, I hit a slick spot on the 5th step and bounced down the next 4 or 5.

I am still totally amazed that I didn't break anything.  When my back hit and I kept falling I was scared like crazy that I wasn't going to be able to move afterwards.  Drenched in coffee and broken ceramic, I just sat there...  I didn't know whether to scream, cry or just breathe so I sat as still as I could, afraid to move. Within seconds John appeared and then came Loude and then the kids.  I sat there for a minute and started talking to John and then I got really dizzy.  He carried me upstairs and I laid flat on my back and just prayed I was going to be ok.  I didn't even want to think about having broken bones in Haiti!

A million thoughts went through my head but all I could say was, 'Jesus... thank you, Jesus... help me, Jesus... Jesus...'  and then I teared up... I could hear the kids and I knew they, too, were scared so I shared with them what I read last week regarding God's angels and I assured them that angels were with me and kept me from being hurt any worse!

I totally believe Psalm 91:11 that says, "God has put his angels in charge of you to watch over you wherever you go" and Psalm 34:7 that says, "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them"... even on the stairs!  J  Max Lucado said it this way, 'He doesn't just wave as he flies past; he encamps, he lingers, he keeps vigilance over you.  You traffic beneath the care of celestial beings.  Let that truth lower your anxiety level! The wealthiest of the world don't have the protection God's servants give you.'  It was just as much a comfort to me as it was to them as I shared.

I'm so grateful that God is always with us, that His angels helped cushion my fall and that it wasn't any worse than it was.  As I laid there in deep thought, John asked me again if I could move my elbows and then he told me that he had seen a cast here in Haiti and that I DIDN'T want one!  J  Such a funny man, he is!

He took this photo after I iced my left elbow and though the swelling had gone down considerably, he was fascinated.

I'm just fascinated that it isn't that swollen anymore!  Purple, but not as swollen!

By Saturday night I was able to sit up but I wasn't able to go to church Sunday. I received the greatest gift after church, though.  Downstairs a group of our Haitian family/friends gathered to pray for me.  Ladies filled the living room and after asking how I was doing they started singing and praying over me.  When the ladies finished praying I looked up and the number of people in the room had doubled...  men, women, and children were all over the entry and living room.  Pastor Josue walked in and said some things I didn't understand and then he told me they were going to pray some more.  I sat and as 25-30 voices all prayed at the same time for my healing, tears streamed down my face.  For a moment I froze but felt completely safe and overwhelmed with comfort.  What an incredible feeling!  Voices sang, voices praised and voices prayed!  Loud voices, soft voices, sweet voices, stern voices, confident voices, reassuring voices...  all as one voice!  (Kinley said it hurt her ears but it was absolutely beautiful to me!!!)  What an honor to receive such a gift!

Later that afternoon, a friend of ours brought us some leaves that are used here in Haiti for making tea and for bathing after injuries.  Cabila made the tea for me that night and then Monday I bathed a whole new way...  ha!  

I am much, much better and am grateful that in hard times God proves He's faithful to provide through our family that supports us both here and there!  I know several of you have been praying for us from home (a little bit more than usual) and I am so grateful for you!  I've said it a hundred times before and I still mean it..... the gift of prayer is monumental.

"Mighty prayer - this is the one great spiritual force that will enable the 
Lord Jesus Christ to enter into full possession of His kingdom, 
and secure for Him... the uttermost part of the earth for His possession... 
A person who can pray is the mightiest instrument Christ 
has in this world." --E. M. Bounds

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fourth of July!

Happy 4th of July, y'all! 

We make cakes around here when it's somebody's birthday, just like we used to do at home.  Today was no different.  Here are my helpers....
And here are my "sillies"...  

Happy birthday, America!  J

God bless the USA!  (and Haiti!!)