Go without something for 15 weeks and you really learn to
appreciate it when you get it back… I’m not talking about running water, a hot
shower, clean water for washing and drinking, air conditioning or nice fine
restaurants(though they, too, will be appreciated when we get to enjoy those
things again)… no, I’m talking about my bed…….
We slept in OUR beds last night for the first time in 15 weeks (when our
things left Madison in route to FL to be loaded onto a cargo crate) and OH.MY.GOODNESS
how I missed my bed!!! It was heavenly
to have that comfort again! Don’t get me
wrong, I am so appreciative that we had air mattresses in MS and a loaner bed
when we arrived in Haiti but there is nothing like my bed! I have learned to be content on a whole new
Tonight Kylie said, “One day we are going to get to use the
sinks” as we dunked our hands in water to wash with soap and then applied hand
sanitizer to kill any funk from the water. God love her!
They have done so well with the adjustments. They’ve tried new foods, new drinks, and
slept right through some noises I’ve thought were sure to wake the dead. As shocking as it is, Kinley (our lightest
sleeper) has had no problem sleeping on any given morning when 2 or even 10
different roosters crow back and forth seemingly attempting to out-crow one
another, when 4 different kids (from different directions) are screaming, when clanging
pans are heard from the outdoor cookhouses, when wild dogs are barking, when men
are working outside our windows and even when trucks honk horns that sound like
train whistles (if I didn’t know better I’d swear I heard a train rolling
through the other day at 4:30am and I’m so-not-kidding! John said it was a large truck going up the mountain
but being that we just left a house near a railroad track trust me when I tell
you it sounded exactly like the trains in MS…had to be the loudest truck horn
in the world…longest, loudest blaring but I digress..) anyway, she sleeps
through all of that but let one of us get up to go to the bathroom and she pops
up and is ready to begin the day --- another reason I am grateful that we were
able to sleep in our own rooms upstairs last night. J (We’d all slept in the same room for 8
nights downstairs while we found our beds & things and got them set up.)
I definitely have different perspectives since moving to Haiti. (That still seems so weird to say…’since moving
to Haiti…’) Lots of you know we had some
rough months leading up to our move but I am really starting to understand
(more than just with a head knowledge) that each difficulty we face in life is
an opportunity to see God work and that in time-HIS time-He’s going to bring
each of us as His children to a place of abundance! We may have to kill nasty cock roaches or
have to wear shoes every minute that we are up and about during the day to
avoid worms that make their way into your feet and we may even have to kill what
seem to be armies of ants but we are living the abundant life here in
Hearing and witnessing deep
hearted laughter from kids who are enjoying life as it happens,
watching and celebrating with some 10-17 year olds as they
complete preschool age puzzles while encouraging them as they move on to harder puzzles,

washing wounds and applying medicine and band-aids, seeing
my own children embracing those that are so different yet so like us,

watching fatherless boys relish in time with John and our children whether
it be during nerf wars or wrestling matches or just hanging clothes lines,

knowing that some children who wouldn’t have gotten a
meal before bed are being fed at our table thanks to you and so many fellow supporters...
is living abundantly for sure.
I know that with each problem we may encounter, with each
struggle, with each conflict God has a wonderful plan to enrich our lives. With every trial He is humbling us and
perfecting our faith. He’s growing us
and we are better for it. I’m so
grateful that He looks beyond my superficial desire for a trouble-free life and
instead, fulfills my deep desire to please Him and bring Him glory in ways only He can.
This morning I watched as Caleb was journaling. I looked to see what he was writing about and saw this, “God, I will do what you have planned for me. I hope it is something good."
This morning I watched as Caleb was journaling. I looked to see what he was writing about and saw this, “God, I will do what you have planned for me. I hope it is something good."
How good is our God! We just need to trust Him!
“What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not
be so preoccupied with getting,
you can respond to God’s giving.”
Matthew 6:32 (The Message)