The kids did really well on the flights yesterday. Kinley wanted to know if the "pirate" (aka pilot) had "her music" on the plane.... specifically, "I like to Dance". :) [[Thought Meghan Petyak would get a kick out of that!]] When the seat belt light/notification 'dinged' after take-off she wanted to know if we were there.
(Here are a couple of shots from the first flight... I forgot my camera cord so I won't be able to download pictures from my camera until we get that but John's iPad got the job done, thankfully!)

We were seated next to some really nice people on both flights so that is a praise!
We met a couple who works with an orphanage in Mexico while we were at the airport waiting on the hotel shuttle. We exchanged information so we are looking forward to connecting with them online. God is so good and keeps sending us encouragement!!!
Our shuttle driver (here in FL) was from Haiti! :) After shuttling to the hotel from the airport, we walked across the street from the hotel to grab a bite to eat before crashing... Kinley spoke to a stranger that was walking by our table and proceeded to tell her that we "are going to Haiti on January 10th" (our initial departure date). She then told the lady that we had to walk because "we don't have a car"! She keeps things rolling.... all..the..time! (heehee)
We want to say a HUGE thank you to all who came by and visited the night before we left, to all who sent messages, to all who joined us at the airport for our departure, to all who provided airplane snacks, games and toys and even sweet goodbye notes, to all who went behind us to clean up the mess we left in our Madison house, to those 'holding the ropes' while we are away, to the mighty workers who are taking care of the 'to-do' lists we left behind, to all who prayed throughout our first day of travels and last but certainly not least we want to say a special thank you to those who are taking care of our furry babies while we are away!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!
We called about having our MS phones turned off... yeh... to avoid another month's charges we will have to disconnect tonight so just know our MS #'s won't work after tonight. Boy, I'm really going to miss the luxury of texting whenever I want.... We will try to keep you updated here as much as possible.
If all goes as we are planning, we will be beachside tomorrow afternoon! We are surprising the kids with a couple of days at the beach before heading to our new home. We've had a very emotional last couple of months so we are very much looking forward to some family time and some time of unwinding before hitting the ground running in Camp Coq.
As we continue to journey, please know that we treasure your prayers for us! When we say thank you for your support I think you really have no idea how much we mean it!
Until later we keep claiming, "The LORD is our rock and our fortress and our deliverer; our God, our strength, in whom we will trust; our shield and our salvation, our stronghold. We will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised..." Psalm 18:2,3
Dawn (& John, Caleb, Kylie, & Kinley)
P.S. Another praise... I haven't been able to find my HAITI journal (the one I've been keeping since February) for the last several weeks... been really bummed about that because it has A LOT of good stuff in there that I have wanted to go back to, especially on the extra hard days. Well, my mom found it today! YAYYYYY!!! I'm quite certain I wouldn't make it without my Mom and Dad! I love you forever & always! :) <3
P.S.S. Daddy, Kinley wanted to know where the "alligator" was when we got to the hotel!
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