2) A man prayed at church for what seemed like 15 minutes.. seriously...
3) I was so proud John didn't fall asleep during that prayer
4) After lunch, we thought we’d step outside the gate to see part of the current “festival” in preparation for Tuesday’s Karnival (similar to Fat Tuesday at home)
5) As it turned out it was a VooDoo parade complete with costumes, masks and horns :<
6) One of the local pastors and some new friends asked John to start teaching English lessons on Sunday afternoons….. they want to start in March with “Pastor Teacher Juhn” J
7) The weather was absolutely PERFECT this afternoon!
8) Kinley enjoyed some GoldFish from “Ms. Meghan” J
9) The baby goat is not scared to climb for the sweet leaves…
10) The solar panel system is working now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
11) There must have been at least 30 children here throughout the day; I just counted (24)... Bliss!!
12) Having friends makes everything better!
13) They literally rode one of the bicycle seats off

14) Tonight we had a bubble wrap war….TOO.MUCH.FUN!

15) Today makes the second time we’ve seen one of these…. inside.......
16) I'm realizing now that most of my friends who said they'd come visit (and actually meant it) won't really come now since I posted that picture...
17) I sure am glad we have a Protector that never sleeps!!!
18) The laughter in this house makes my heart sing!
19) I miss my pets a lot tonight L
20) Herod has (2) dogs….
21) I found myself outside in the dark talking to them tonight
22) While I was outside talking to the dogs, a bat swooped by at lightning speed which caused me to go back inside
23) I was almost as freaked out about the bat as I was when I saw the 8 legged devil shown in #15!
24) I really hope I never see one of those alive again!
25) I wore make-up today for the first time in 25 days
Bonus: I didn’t miss it but I miss lots of YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goodnight family and friends ~ Love these 5 on a journey
Regarding #20 above: Hershey adores Jim and sits in his lap snuggling under his chin. I can hear him purring from across the room! For a small cat he sure likes to eat often! Winston has learned to go out by himself (as we watch from the front door) and come back on his own. He follows Corey's lead and quickly figured out that the return trip yields a yummy snack! He was running figure 8's this morning after a very, uh, satisfying trip outside. Hilarious! I am working from home today and he is napping at my feet with Hershey next to him. They truly are inseparable. Corey had a long seizure this morning, and has slept most of the rest of the day. Poor baby, but she doesn't seem to be in any pain, just tired. I'll send pictures soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm just now getting your comment..I am so sorry to hear about Corey, I hope she is doing much better! We so appreciate your updates! Yes, Hershey loves to eat and it's so awesome that he's using his "motor" so often!!! Love it!!! Winston has quite a few funny dances he does... I miss them immensely but it is such a comfort knowing they are being taken such good care of and loved so much! Thank you, again! Sending love from Haiti~