I mean, come on.... who couldn't find just what the Doctor ordered in a place like this?!?

We played, we slept late, we took hot showers, we ate really well, we swam, we read books, we took photos, we had A/C at night and we...........
I cannot possibly tell you how much I enjoyed our break... I love our new life and our "jobs" here but every now and then it's just good to get away from it all!
Leonardo da Vinci said it best... "Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation. For when you come back to your work, your judgment will be surer."
...that, and you are a little better prepared to deal with "issues" after not having any for a few days...
We came home at the end of the week to some power issues and so tomorrow morning we will be leaving again. This time it will be a "work" trip. Since we are without power (except for the generator we've been using at night), we have no refrigerator and pb & bread is only conducive for so many meals back to back. We will all go along for the ride to Port-au-Prince to take the inverter to a dealership that specializes in solar panel/battery systems like the one we have at the Mission House. We sure hope it can be fixed tomorrow (the guys that John talked to seemed to think so).
Please pray for us as we make the ~5 hour trek through the mountains and hills of Haiti. We hope to be home on Tuesday and then maybe I can catch up on blogging and LAUNDRY! :)
Bón nwit!
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