We had the opportunity to go to the beach with John's mom and her fiancé last month when they were here visiting and we had a great time!
Some of the photos reminded me today that we have a choice...every.. day. Wherever we are, no matter our occupation or the number of people in our family; no matter our calling or if we wear suits or tank-tops to work; no matter our education or what language we speak, we must choose to proceed, either, in fear or in faith.
I felt peace as God reminded me that although we don't have a clue about what's waiting for us around the corner, He does. And when I am tempted to hide behind fear instead of proceeding in faith, I miss some pretty cool things. This made me think about Kinley at the beach.
She ventures outside her comfort zone a little more each time we get to visit there. When we went last year, she was afraid to get in the water by herself. She was content to play in her blow-up pool under the palm trees in her own little world.
But one afternoon she decided to venture out....
to test the waters...

And she liked it....
...as long as the water was calm.
But when the water rushed in...

...she wasn't so sure about this new venture and she ran back to the shore.

Instead of rushing in to scoop her up and encourage her to try again, I sat back and watched as she worked through her fears, knowing that would help her the most.
It wasn't long before she ventured out again but this time, she went a little deeper.

As she moved past her fear of getting soaked by the waves, she started to have her own little party...
...and she was having a blast!
Isn't this the way many of us proceed in our faith? We get to a place in our faith walk where we feel like we're ready to go a little farther with God and we go, even if apprehensively. You know, testing the waters...
We decide it's not so bad after all but sometimes we let our guard down a little and we lose focus when we are splashed by an oncoming wave. Then we get a little freaked out and run back to our securities. Securities like comfortable surroundings and familiar faces...whether they are safe or not.
When we are fortunate to regain our focus, we get up and try again... this time maybe more determined to go a little farther, to trust a little more. If we are walking with the Lord, we eventually see one of the most important factors determining our fear or faith and that is that He isn't sending us into an unknown all alone. He never sends us on a journey by ourselves and simply tells us to call Him and let him know how it's going. Instead, He promises to go with us...every step of the way...through the fire, through the valley, through the waters, through it all!

...so with the help of her big sister, she set out to join her Daddy!

As John encouraged her to try something new, she screamed, "No, Daddy... don't let go!" "I'm afraid!"
He assured her that He wasn't going anywhere and then he told her to try kicking her legs...

...within seconds she was laughing and saying, "I'm swimming!"
She squealed with joy!
I don't think she realized how far she had gotten because her focus was on her Daddy instead of the deep or the shore... seems like a great idea in the midst of situations that could cripple us into fear.
..and expecting to experience some great new adventures!
I hope you will be encouraged to go deep, too, wherever you are!
Because when we follow His leading, whether into the unknown or just into something brand new, we can be assured that we aren't alone... God promises that He will be with us! J
"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,
'Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
"Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Psalm 16:8
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