Aside from visiting doctors and drinking yucky stuff for tests this past week, we enjoyed lots of family time!
We had some great American food and YUMMY ice cream (and chocolate that didn't melt if not refrigerated). We savored every minute of each WARM shower and LOVED that we have CLEAN tap water for brushing our teeth.
We got to be a part of a Haiti Benefit Garage Sale in McHenry.
**Thank you to all who participated!!!**
We've been fishing, swimming, bowling, trampolining and had enjoyable car trips on SMOOTH, paved roads.
We've worn long sleeve shirts cause it's cold everywhere we go indoors (ha!) and I've snuggled down deep with comforters at bedtime.
We had fun at the Children's Museum on the coast!
Caleb and Brendon showed us their cool trampoline poses!
And Caleb and Colton were finally reunited again!
We had church with Mammaw and Jolly and a few others we love...
And Kinley didn't seem to mind that she was the only one dancing 2 Sundays in a row!
(Kylie sang this week but I haven't been able to get the video to load... will try again in the next post.)
Mom snapped some photos before everyone changed attire after church this past Sunday...
And we even documented the unplanned matching black and white dresswear...

Aunt Cammer is too much fun!
Daddy (aka 'Jolly') prepped my bowling shoes....
...and I got to bowl
with the greatest bowler I know!
Two of my favorite guys grilled lunch one day even though it rained...
and Caleb was caught snuggling with Bandit even though he's "not a pet person".
However you choose to sleep tonight,
Night night!
Are you in MS???!!! I want to see you if you're here!