He instantly adored Winston almost as much as I did.
He wasn't content to just sleep in our bed but had to be in my space thru the night.
He hid under the sheets when people came over because he wasn't fond of company.
He came running (and singing) when we whistled the tune to Andy Griffith.
He endured our toddlers' "love" for him.
He always knew when something was bothering me and camped out by my side.
He could be obnoxiously loud but he loved without fail...
And we loved him!!!
A little over 2 years ago, our friends, Jim and Tracey, offered to take our smallest furry boys as we transitioned to Haiti. When we left a big chunk of our hearts in Atlanta, I purposed to let go. I didn't think I was going to survive the drive back to Mississippi after leaving them but we found comfort in knowing they were in such good hands.
We don't talk about our pets very much because a couple of us don't do real well when they 'come up'.
Today we found out that Hershey passed away.
It's been a hard afternoon and I've yet to be able to utter the words out loud to the kids.
Would love some extra prayers these next few days for us and for Jim and Tracey as they adjust to life without Hershey, now, too. Our lives were better because of Hershey!

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