I'm overwhelmed.
Not the way I've been overwhelmed before...
like in an, "Oh my good-grief..I'm done..I'm not doing this anymore" kind of way.
But in a, "Oh my GOD, You are so amazing and I praise You for the space You've given us" kind of way.
I got an email today from a friend that I treasure. A friend that I met in this place, actually.
This place that has been hard to live in a lot of days.
This place that is cramped sometimes.
This place that has been a platform for us to grow with over 800 people.
This place that I both love and loathe for all of the above reasons and more.
"I brought you into a spacious place; I rescued you because I delighted in you. No matter what your circumstances, if you belong to Me, you are in a spacious place of salvation. You may be feeling cramped in your current situation, but your salvation is an ever expanding gift. My Spirit lives inside you, and He is always working to sanctify you--making you more like Me. This is an inner expansion, and it will continue till I call you home to Glory. Heaven is a wondrously spacious place; you will never feel cramped or frustrated there." Jesus Today, Sarah Young
2 Samuel 22:20 He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me b/c he delighted in me.
Read this today and thought of you.
Praying over your ministry today.
Praying you feel purpose in the midst of chaos.
Praying you feel God's love poured on you as you try and try again to serve and love as Christ.
Praying you see fruit of your labor, just enough that encourages your heart to "press on".
love you lady and all your crew"
So, yeh... today I'm overwhelmed.
"HE brought me OUT
into a spacious place;
HE rescued me
because HE DELIGHTED in me."
I am overwhelmed that He loves me so much!
So much that He brought me to this space, our current space.
And today I'm overcome, too..
with gratitude.
Because He physically loves us through those He's led into our lives in this place!
So much that He brought me to this space, our current space.
A year ago I cried more days than not because we lost "space".
Over the last 12 months I've cried because I craved "space".
And today I'm overcome, too..
with gratitude.
Because He physically loves us through those He's led into our lives in this place!
*Thank you, Jesus, and thank you sweet friend!*
"God won't meet tomorrow's needs until tomorrow comes."
...leaving the tomorrows to Him cause He knows what He's doing today.
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