Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday Monday

John rocked his first week on the new job like a champ. He was in training in Indianapolis for 5 days and is now back in Florida. We miss him like crazy and long for the day that we will all be together living the "normal" kind of life people talk about.

This 'divide and conquer' thing is nothing new but danggit, it doesn't get any easier no matter which country we're in or how many times we do it.

Clinging so tightly to these words today,

Let us not lose heart and grow weary
and faint in acting nobly and doing right,
for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap,
if we do not loosen and relax our courage...
Galatians 6:9 AMP

 And remembering,
"...draw on HIS strength and not your own." (God's, not your rockstar husband's. *smile*)

I know the saying...
...but we are so ready for the journey to our own housing to be done already.

Thanks for your continued prayers as we keep on going! J

There is an exchange in God where we come, 'limited', and He responds with all the things we never knew we could have while feeling grossly weak. He responds...with Himself. 
-Sara Hagerty

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