Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving in Haiti

We didn't have turkey and dressing but we did have birthday cake yesterday!

Bernise turned '7' and she got to help make her cake and cookies, too!!

We sang and we ate....

We posed for our traditional group birthday photos...

...and we did Kid's Workshop projects thanks to our friends, Ed and Michelle!

The kids had a blast!


Some of the group posed with their finished projects...

...and even the big kids enjoyed the day!


We really missed our family and friends in the States (and Caleb missed getting to go hunting) but we loved hearing from so many of you yesterday!

We hope this kicks off a wonderful holiday season for each of you!

"Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day." ~ Robert Caspar Lintner

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Craving Turkey and Dressing...

The last couple of weeks might have actually been 2 of the most challenging weeks we've faced since we arrived in Haiti last January.  We've taken some extremely hard hits but we are hanging in.

I didn't intend to take such a long break from blogging and I can hardly believe that tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day!  I have such mixed emotions tonight as I reflect on all that we have to be thankful for and yet my flesh still longs for some comforts that always seemed to come with the holidays in years past... family gatherings, big meals, no school (smiles), and even Thanksgiving-sale-shopping with my family and friends.
This year school will be in session tomorrow (since Thanksgiving is not a recognized holiday in Haiti), we won't have turkey (John did see one for sale in Cap Haitien but it was $75), I won't get to hug or see my extended family face to face and I won't be late night shopping with my sister-in-law.

So... is this a post where I tell you that things have been tough but God is good?  No, not really but things have been tough and it is true that God really is good.  :o)  I just need to reconnect with you and I need to write so I'll fill you in on some of what's been going on around here.

Mirlande, one of the oldest orphans, left Camp Coq and moved in with her older sister in Port-au-Prince.  We hated to see her go but we so understand that she is ready to take on some new, exciting adventures of her own!  We wish her all the best and we can't wait til she comes back to visit!!

The bakery is rolling right along - making and selling bread. 

 The baker even made some decorative loaves one night!!


John installed plugs and lighting for the workers (inside and out)...

He is such a whiz!  

Please keep praying for business as it takes off and for the workers, too.

The food program at the school is going well.  We had a few 'kinks to work out' but the children are so excited to have food each day at school and we keep hearing comments about how good the food is!

(We are so thankful for all the food packs put together and sent by FMSC!) 

We continue to be amazed at all that God is doing here and are so thankful for what so many of you are doing for us and the people of Camp Coq, Haiti!  We are already receiving items to be distributed for Christmas!  You guys are amazing!!

We love and appreciate you and are so humbled by your sacrifices.  We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!!!

Love, The Chaps in Haiti 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Project 'Feed the Children' UPDATE

Months and months ago we sat down with the pastor of the local church here to discuss some of the greatest needs here in Camp Coq and how we could help.  (I mentioned that earlier, here.)  

Our hearts were broken over the level of poverty we encountered each day and the massive amounts of malnourished children we interacted with, so when they told us that one of the projects they were interested in implementing included feeding children and elderly that couldn't provide for themselves, we were immediately on board.  We put the word out regarding the money we needed to get started and we shared our hearts with you and began praying that if this was God's will that it would work out.  

Money was donated almost immediately for building the space needed for cooking.  We were elated and the building project took off.  (If you missed the posts that showed building stages, you can find them here and here.)

When the cookhouse (or outdoor kitchen) was completed we continued praying and even asked others to pray regarding the specifics and funds needed to kick-start the actual feeding.  We had numerous meetings with leaders here and brainstormed optimal plans.  A goal was set to try and feed 100 children/elderly, 5 days a week.  While our hearts and hands were ready, things just weren't panning out.  We prayed, many of you prayed and together we spent a good deal of time in the 'pray and wait' bracket.  

About a month ago, Pastor Josue talked with a representative in our area that partners with organizations around the world to help feed hungry children.  Feed My Starving Children targets feeding programs to children who are in the most severe circumstances, those suffering from severe malnutrition and threatened with death from starvation.  Pastor Josue put in an application with FMSC and asked that we be considered here, in Camp Coq.  

After reviewing our application, the committee sent someone to do an evaluation at the school across from the Mission House where we live.  They looked at the physical condition of the children, the percentage of children vs adults (teachers), whether other food was available, whether or not we would be able to receive and store food safely, etc.  During their assessment, they noticed the cookhouse on the grounds outside the church/school building.  They commented saying that they were very impressed that this was already in place for cooking food for the children.  It's customary that each application is prayed over and rated and food is allocated based on the rating each application receives.  So as they left that day they told us that they would be in touch.

Then---just -like -that--- we got word that we had BEEN APPROVED!!!!  Oh. My. Good. Great. God.....  He had done it again!  :o)  While this actual plan didn't look like the one we first envisioned, we were so excited to hear that the children here would benefit from such a generous organization!  Although we questioned the hows and the whens and the whats over the last 7 months, God had it all under His control (as He always does). 

I am beside myself with joy as I share this with you!!!  

The food that is sent by FMSC comes in MannaPaks and guess what.......  EACH meal provided has 20 different vitamins and minerals that are specifically tailored to meet children's nutritional needs for one day.  Did you catch that?!?  Not only are the children being fed but they are also getting vitamins and minerals that will help with their overall health/growth.  If money had been provided for US to cook for the children here, what they would've gotten would have been food....  now they get food AND vitamins AND minerals! 

And that's not all.... (smiles) 

While our initial goal was to feed 100 children/5 days a week, with this program in place, MORE THAN 100 children plus 7 teachers will now be fed 5 days a week!  

My heart is about to beat out of my chest as I write this.......  oh, the nights I wept regarding these precious children!  Praise God for His endless mercy and provisions!  Go God, you keep blowing us away!!!  

I hope your heart is moved to rejoice in our GREAT GOD as you see some of the shots I got yesterday...

Each child was told last Friday that starting this week they would get to
receive food each morning during break (at 10:00).
They just had to bring a bowl/plate and a spoon.  

Rice and beans were distributed to each child....

The children were led in prayer by their teacher...


And then they dug in....


Oh, God, you have heard our hearts' cry and you have (once again) shown us your faithfulness!  

It's quite the privilege for children to get to go to school, here, in Haiti.  Many families go without things (such as food) to be able to scrape up enough money for uniforms, books and supplies for their children to be able to attend school.  We are so thankful for Feed My Starving Children and the work that they are doing.  It is so surreal to be able to benefit from such a program but then, that's how our God works!

"Now glory be to God!  By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.  May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21