Friday, October 30, 2015

The Flow

When your skill level is high but the challenge of the task is too low, you experience boredom.  When you skill level is too low and the challenge of the task is too high, you experience frustration and anxiety.  But when the level of the challenge matches the level of your skills 
- then you're "in the flow". 

We don't work mainly for money, recognition, promotion, applause, or fame.  We work for flow.  We live for flow.  We hunger for flow, and when it's present, something happens in our spirit as we connect with a reality beyond ourselves 
and partner with God.  

Flow is part of what we experience in that partnership, and in that, 
God in turn uses flow to shape us. 

When you're working in the flow of service to God, when you're experiencing flow in activities that enhance and bless the lives of others - 
you're working "in the Spirit". 
(John Ortberg)

My heart is overflowing with thanksgiving while my body is kneeling and continually praying for provision. So many of you have weathered the storms with us over the last 3 years and you have been incredible to lift us up and even hold us up at times!  You've heard us share about our "flow" and you've encouraged us to KEEP ON SHARING. Some of you have physically worked alongside us and others of you, who couldn't physically go, have worked alongside us through faithful prayer and financial support. Thank you!  Oh my gracious, thank you!

While at home on furlough (a break from our lives and jobs in Haiti) we've prayed about opportunities to share our "flow" and our hearts regarding our call to move and work full-time in Haiti with more families.  We've felt convicted about sharing this opportunity more and many of you have invited us to dinner or to your church or small group to share.  You've purchased Haitian products from us to show support to our family and to families in Haiti who make a living off of the goods they make and sell.  You guys are amazing!

In attempt to further grow our circle, we kicked off our "25-in-25" invitation this past week.  We've shared that we need more families to partner with us in order to make the greatest impact through our jobs so over the span of 25 days we are praying for 25 new partners. If you've talked with us personally or heard us speak in a group you know that we firmly believe that YES God called us to GO but the only way we can DO what we are called to do is with a community that says YES, too.   

We believe that TOGETHER we can be a community that reaches the community of Haiti. So, if you've thought about partnering with our family but haven't done so, we would love for you to be one of the 25-in-25!  You can do that by:
  2) click the button that says "monthly donation"
  3) enter donation amount and click "donate"   

Oh y'all, THANK YOU for growing with us, for praying with us, for sweating with us, for giving with us, for climbing with us, for fattening us up and for sharing with us!  
      You encourage us to keep going!!!   

                You fuel our flow!       

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