Tuesday, July 15, 2014


If there was one word to sum up the last several months it might be-----> loooooong.

Our journey in Haiti took a different route starting in January of this year.  Our faith has been stretched and flexed and we've definitely been Challenged and Inspired.  The last several months have been full of twists and turns, dead-ends and detours, and no doubt some growing experiences we won't soon forget.

Packed in our truck like sardines, we visited 9 different places and bunked at 5 of them over the course of the first 30 days.  When we needed it most, we landed in a place that's set up to serve those who serve and without planning it, we've been here since.  Maybe you saw our post called Lately describing some of our time here at Heartline Ministries Guest House.
While bunking in one room with our 4 children for an extended period of time has you (and me) thinking "oh wow, thanks but...NO!", we have managed to heal a little since being here.  Being in a safe place has allowed us to catch our breath as we continued to look for new ministry opportunities for our family and we've met and connected with some pretty cool families that love the Lord, too!

A little over a month ago, the Guest House had an opening for the Manager/Host position. Several of the people that we met during our time here suggested us as possible candidates to fill the position. Towards the end of May, leaders of Heartline Ministries approached us and officially asked us to consider the position.

We prayed and shared the possibility with our children and then we prayed some more.  We were honored to be offered this position but more than anything we wanted to be sure that we answered according to what God was leading us to do.  We agreed to accept the position on a temporary/trial basis and we hit the ground running.

We've hosted 142 people over the last 5 weeks and I'll be the first to tell you that we have been ministered to as much if not more than we've ministered.  God's incredible like that, isn't He?!?  You just can't out-give Him!

So, if there were 3 words to sum up the last several months they might be-----> loooooong but good!

I've been burdened since coming to Haiti about the great and ever growing need for servers that serve servers.  I recently felt that familiar God tap on my shoulder as if He were saying, "so what are you willing to do about it?"  I squirmed claiming 'burn-out' and argued that I didn't have anything else to give.  I was spent and broken and bare but I agreed to take His challenge to let Him show me His strength in my weakness once again.

I've felt alive again in serving and we have met some really amazing people who are doing incredible work with great organizations in this area.  One of those organizations is Heartline.

So as we are diving head first into this new adventure, we are asking you to pray with us and partner with us if you feel led as we take on the permanent role of managing this place that exists to serve those who serve here in Haiti.

Heartline Ministries is involved with many 
humanitarian, educational and faith-based activities.  
You can read more about the organization here and be sure to check back with us to see how you can personally get involved.


  1. So thrilled to have spent some time with you earlier this summer...hoping to connect again when I return. You and your entire fam are true blessings and natural hosts! Your gifts of hospitality ooze out. Our team felt cared for and refreshed after long days out and about. Thanks Dawn and John!

  2. Thrilled to have spent some time with you earlier this summer. You and your fam make fab hosts-with patience, kindness, and sweet, southern hospitality! Our team of teens (and the adults too!) loved your kiddos! We felt relaxed and refreshed hanging out on the patio, in the fun chairs out front, or kicking the soccer ball around. We loved having your youngsters join us for worship in the eve. The conversations were blessings. May God continue to bless you as you bless others!
