We are fortunate that we’ve not had any major inconveniences due to this storm but my plans have been interrupted, none the less. Today, I was supposed to go see my friends, Jana & Brad.
For those of you who know them well, you know that this last month has been anything but easy for them and not a day goes by without gratitude for that day. For those of you who don’t know them, they are 2 of my favorite people & they’ve been fighting a battle with cancer since December 13, 2007 when Jana was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In January of 2008, she had surgery and the tumor was removed. It was a benign Oligodendroglioma. She was such a trooper! Her strength and her attitude were unbelievable! Seizures continued after that surgery so she had another surgery in December of 2008 to treat the seizures and to remove any additional tumor cells. She was seizure free for over 2 years and during that time they moved to New York. Seizures returned in April of 2011 and tests revealed a new tumor. She went through rigorous treatments including Radiation and Chemotherapy but she never lost her contagious love for life.
The last 2 years have been full of ups and downs. They moved closer to “home” in May when a job opportunity opened up for Brad in Louisiana. The last 2 months have been full of challenges and recent MRI’s showed tumor progression. She’s been staying with her parents in MS lately since she’s needed a little extra help and can’t be alone during the days that Brad is at work. I was able to go visit with her last week which was great! I'm a little bummed that I can't go today! I can’t tell you enough about how much these 2 mean to me… but I’m going to try!
I can honestly say I’ve never met a sweeter spirited yet stronger person than Jana! Have you ever heard the story of the silversmith and the process of refining silver…you know, the one about him having to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames are the hottest to burn away all the impurities, making it shine so beautifully? Jana is very much like silver…she’s been through fire after fire with her battle of brain cancer… and she’s most definitely gotten more beautiful with every added degree of heat. She’s been through some junk over the last 4+ years that would make anyone angry and hard to be around but through it all I continue to be amazed at her outlook and attitude. She is a princess but she is not a complainer!
: )
Last year when I went to visit them in New York, we made lots of incredible memories and swore we had to make getting together a higher priority from then on!!!
She flew back to MS with me so she could visit with her parents for a bit. While she was there she planned to sing with her dad at his church so she practiced on the plane (well, she listened to the song over and over, soaking it in). You know what song she chose to sing??? “It is Well With My Soul”… Now I’ve heard that song since I was a child but suddenly it meant something more to me… Knowing this was the song she selected, I thought, "how perfect", because she has truly taught me to sing “It is Well With My Soul” and mean it! I just wish I could've been there to hear her sing it!
Last week, when I went to see her, we watched one of our favorite movies together and ate skittles. She's lost her voice over the last couple of weeks and when she has strength to say something it's very soft and hard to understand. She kept trying to tell me something and the only thing I could make out at first was, "Sam". That part was pretty clear and after several attempts she got enough out that I got what she was saying. It was all I could do not to fall apart... You see, she knows me so well... she knows that while I am so stinkin' excited about our upcoming move to Haiti, I have been torn up about having to part with my pets prior to our move. I haven't 'ironed out' all the details regarding our pets because it's been the one thing I can't seem to do...planning to part with them is necessary but not welcomed and finding homes for pets you don't want to part with is no easy task. Anyway, a top concern of hers (for a while, so I'm told) has been placement of my furry babies when we leave the States. She wanted me to know that she had already discussed plans with Brad to intercede with adopting my 'kids'. This made me chuckle and I told her she knew as well as I did that Brad Webb was NOT going to take my 3 furry 'kids' in no matter how much I cried or how much she pleaded... and then we both agreed that he loves me but he just doesn't love me that much! : )

Brad… cantankerous, feisty, smartyfarty, and a little intimidating at times but also...Brad, who is genuine, generous and true. He has a hard outer shell but good as gold on the inside! (I really didn’t mean to use metal analogies when starting this post but hey, it seems to fit!) Anyway, Brad is one of those guys that you don’t know exactly how to read all the time but always comes through as the companion you want on your side no matter what you’re going through in life. While I can't begin to fully understand what he's been through, I know that this battle against Jana’s cancer has been anything but easy on him. Through it all he has provided, entertained and even pampered her (and some of her friends, as well). He is the keeper of Jana’s heart and has always been her first pick from any line-up, even up against Drew Brees (smiles). He is the life of the party and the one who stays after to clean up the party, too. He is just a ‘good ole boy’ if you know what I mean!
After one of my stays with them in NY, I left this for them on the fridge... it just seemed fitting!
“FRIENDS… they love you,
But they’re not your lover
…they care for you,
But they’re not from your family
…they’re ready to share your pain,
But they’re not your blood relation
They are…. FRIENDS!"
I'm so honored that I can count them as my friends!
I have NBLFY, Brad & Jana! Can't wait to see you again...here's to many more "cuppas"!
Love ya D... almost enough to take in your furry kids.
ReplyDeleteYou have such a way with words, B! You know you both have my heart... cuppaalways...