Friday, February 15, 2013


I’m restless today…I woke up at 2:30am to go to the bathroom…My options when that happens are to "go" in a bucket in the bathroom at the end of our hallway that isn’t finished yet or trek downstairs to the bathroom in the dark, never knowing what critters might be hanging out on the walls or the ceiling. Little side note: The ‘finished’ bathrooms have toilets that require throwing a pitcher of water down them to force it to flush and although there’s a sink with a faucet, there’s no water supply so washing our hands is also done with a pitcher...followed by hand sanitizer since the water isn't pure.)  So anyway, when I woke up again at 6:30 I started this thought process of “I wish…” and “I’m tired of…”

NOT good, I know…

The plumber (apparently he’s the only one around) banged and clanged around the first couple of weeks that we were here in the upstairs bathrooms (when he wasn’t sleeping or walking around) and then he left.  Another side note: There are 2 bathrooms upstairs– one for us and one for the Pastor and his family that own the house.  The plumber returned yesterday and my mind instantly went into, “yay, maybe we can have a working bathroom soon” mode.  As my flesh kicked in, coupled with my tiredness, I started the whole downward spiral of thoughts regarding the upstairs patio that isn’t finished by the “Boss” that nobody has seen the last couple of weeks, the bathrooms that aren’t finished, the water supply that’s getting low again, and on and on…  It wasn’t long before I was just plain grumpy!

John had to go to town with the plumber to buy supplies that he needed and I sat down to do my quiet time.  Guess what it was on… “God’s timetable”.  Never fails…it's always just what I need… Opening lines of the devotion said this, ’When God makes you wait for something longer than you want to, He’s teaching you patience.  Your emotions are like a wild horse--they need to be reined in.’  WHEW!!  smack….and it didn’t stop there…..  My grimace turned slowly to a grin as I read, “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will.  Then you will receive all that he has promised.” Hebrews 10:36  

The devotion went on with, ‘Your impatience will just make you and everybody else around you miserable, but it won’t rush God.  He works according to His own plan and timetable: “In due season we shall reap” (Gal 6:9).  “Due season” is God’s season, not yours.  You’re in a hurry, He isn’t.  He takes time to do things right. You may not know what He’s doing, but He does.  And that’ll have to be good enough for you.’  There it was in black and white…the words for me today!  

Patience is not something I’ve ever embraced with open arms but I still cannot argue it's obvious necessity.  And there again, the right perspective is something I have to continue to regain.
**Oh, God, forgive me for operating in the flesh this morning.  I am definitely going to need an extra dose of You today!  Forgive my pride and arrogance as I try to put myself in a position of “deserving” such things that I so often take for granted.  While I may have to trek up and down stairs multiple times throughout the day and night, I praise you that it’s not due to sickness this week!  While I may desire the luxury to have and use a convenient bathroom indoors, I shudder to think about these photos I got last week and what my circumstances could be like if it weren’t for your grace!   
Our neighbor's house

Our neighbor's bathroom

Forgive me, God, for failing to be grateful for the luxuries we do have.  You have blessed us beyond measure!!!  Thank you for reining in my emotions when they get out of hand.  Although I am embarrassed by my shallowness, I praise you that your strength covers my every weakness!  Your strength is magnified in my lack there of!  Thank you for bringing me to a place where I am dependent on you EVERY day!  Thank you for helping me see that, “Developed potential, without character, doesn’t glorify” you.  I don’t generally appreciate these lessons in the midst of them but I always see that without Your timetable, all I’d have is a big fat mess!  I am weak but you are strong... my flesh does fail, but thank you, my God, that You never will!  My restlessness subsides when I rest in You!

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